Words. I didn't really know what else to call this. It may be a blog...then again it may not. It may be a place to list current inspiration or a tutorial. More likely than not, it's simply going to be a collection of words.
Site Credits and Thank You's
A quick note of appreciation to Trevor Paulhus for the cover photo. Take a look at his work at trevorpaulhus.com and also take the time to appreciate his personal work and ceramics at burymewest.com.
A thank you to Aaron James Draplin for the Biden Bold typeface, daily inspiration, and occasional tall tales. While I'd be surprised if you couldn't find him, if by chance you can't, draplin.com is where you'll find Aaron and the DDC. (and yes, I know they are one and the same).
Thank you to Jacob Chartier, the Considerate Writer. He gave this site a once over, punched up some copy, and provided copywriting expertise where needed. Find him at theconsideratewriter.com.